The cash flow to an owner/operator based on recent financials is approximately $100,000/yr.
This business is run virtually and his very efficient. Can easily be moved.
Business operates with one full-time manager and two full-time technicians.
Listing ID#:
8130 je
Sold by Jim Evavold- Computer Networking Services and Telephone Communications Business
This successful Computer Networking Services and Telephone Communications Business is located in the Twin Cities Metro Area. This business has been in existence for 22 years. Present owner has owned it for 7 years. The business serves as the outsourced IT and Telephony Department for its clients and supports all of its clients needs including purchasing, design, install, help desk, backup and disaster recovery. This business is run extremely efficient with minimal staff and a high level of technology in place to automate the services provided. The Clients are very loyal and satisfied and there is significant recurring revenue.