The business is operated in a commercial building, the square footage is 2500, and the current lease is $1133 per month.
Listing ID#:
Commercial & Carpet Cleaning Business -SOLD
This is a commercial cleaning and carpet cleaning business that was established by its present owner 32 years ago. The business has 23 accounts located in the northwest suburbs of Minneapolis. All accounts have been with the business for an extensive time period. The accounts are on yearly contracts; cleaning is done on Monday through Saturday and they are office cleaning jobs. The carpet cleaning business, which 30% is commercial cleaning for office buildings, and 70% is residential, majority of the jobs come from property management companies. The business started a duct cleaning business last year which is 5% of the business. The business operates with 1 manager , 1 full time and 13 part-time employees. The owner works this business part time.
All equipment and consumables are supplied by the business to the accounts; the accounts are billed monthly and any work outside of the contract (like carpet cleaning, and tile work) is billed hourly.