This is a cleaning business that was established by its present owner 20 years ago. The business does residential house cleaning, office cleaning, and real estate cleaning and move in/move out cleaning. The business has 18 accounts and majority of the accounts are in the northern suburbs. Cleaning is done between the hours of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. The business operates with 5-part time employees. They have been with the operation for several years. The employees report to the job or the office in the morning, then to the job sites and there is average of 1 or 2 cleaners per job. The owner does not clean; she is involved in scheduling, estimating, meeting new customers, marketing, checking of performancerunning the business and taking phone calls.
All equipment and consumables are supplied by the business.
The business is operated in the seller’s home, a buyer can operate this business in their home office or in a commercial building, location is not important.